Showing posts with label SEO Expert in Mohali. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO Expert in Mohali. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Co-citation ! Is the Future of Google Search !

Its sound funny when peoples say “Google is opened in my computer how you can say Internet connection is not good”, if any error occurs in Internet connection. Yes, Many Peoples knows Google is the Net. They say Google is working then why other sites are not?
Well, its funny peoples. They are saying like this it doesn't mean that they are not educated, actually  Google has importance in everyone life, we peoples first open Google then go for other. It is doesn't matter that we knows the site url or not.

But this is not my topic for today, just washing out the Google's value in our daily life.

Do you Guys & Girls familiar with word : “Co-citation!”

I heard that Co-citation is the future of Google Search and search quires. Is it quit possible that Co-citation is only way to rank your search keywords on Google's top SERP (SERP- Search Engine Result Page). I don't think, what you say ?

I am started my carrier ( Search marketing and Analysis )with Panda first update. Panda first update was announced on Fabruary 2011, from Panda 1st update till now ( Panda 24th update – Panda 4.1 released on 24th September 2014) i have passed many updates and penalties too. But no one stays for long. I am not telling you that Co-citation will not be effective for businesses. Obviously it benefits our businesses. Even Co-citation will increase the visible of search term. But before explaining how ? I would like to describe, what is it?

Co-citation – As the name suggested that Co- citation “Co is stands for relationship” as we use co-worker, and creation is “to build”. In other words, “Co- citation is the strategy to build relationship (hand shaking) among the sites but not directly as we are doing. Here is some change in term of Co-citation.

Look at image :

I think now it is clear what is Co-citation? Use this tactic, and get your SERP on top.... ! It is beneficial but not the future of Google Search. Keep working I will back with some more interesting topics.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Google Panda 4.1 Affected 3-5% of Search Queries!

Hey Friends,
Today I come to discuss about Panda 4.1.....

In the term to protect the search result by spammers Search Engine updated its Panda Algorithm. Meant to say, Google's Panda 4.1 now Rolling Out.
Yes, Google's Panda 4.1 released as 24th Sept 2014 (Wednesday of previous week). But affects could be seen from Thursday. As every SEO Specialist knows that Panda is it for Content.

Well, this Panda 4.1 is totally in favor of small sites owners (with minimum pages and good contents). But its affection is brooding because i can see a variation in SERP but that don't match with Panda 4.1 (3-% effect on search queries). Being a SEO Analyst i am running (client's projects) many sites, i can see only one site's SERP get down by 30-50 points for keywords but some of them for same site get listed on top SERP. As per Panda algorithm it should not happen like this. In this concern i already dropped a comment to Panda 4.1 that what is it exactly.

How I get that  Panda 4.1  has  3-5%  affects of search queries?
The well-known Google engineer and Web spam Analyst told in his blog and draw a graph as per the affection has been on site. 

This graph shows drop 30 point in Search Engines Organic search result. You can see that in previous week the search result is flat but on that day it goes down and down. This is result of Expert's site. I can see same for my site in my analytics. But i am bit confused that why some of keywords get penalized. If site comes in panda 4.1 then all keywords rank should go down but nothing happen like this. So i am thinking that my site not comes under Panda 4.1. God wish, that it not happened with mine. Yet, i will make content optimization because it will increase my site's searchability.

How you will get out from Panda 4.1, if your site affected?

Well, it is good that search engine is increasing the algorithm to provide quality search and good result in front of user. but what we do, if your site come in Panda 4.1 update. There is single way to get out from panda 4.1 if you are,  i.e. Hire SEO Expert, who has knowledge about Panda update (not only this update)and tell him for content optimization, if possible add some extra pages and then submit the sitemap in webmaster.